Tuesday, November 27, 2007


It's been awhile since I posted. Sorry about that. It was a very busy month! With the beginning of the month opening up with the massive Call Of Duty 4 with it's incredible story and visuals to the insanely addicting multiplayer. I was hooked continuously playing, the next thing I know Assassins Creed was released and I had to play it. It definitely did not disappoint. Incredibly lifelike people, engrossing story with amazing visuals in a huge world set in the middle of the crusades? I'm Sold. Altair, the main character in the game is not who you think he is, and the beginning of the game was disorienting, I had to double check to make sure I had the right game! But the story unfolded in a very amazing way, the ending left me wanting the sequel right this minute, but alas I have to wait. Sitting on my hands and trying to guess what could happen next. The story was pretty long for only having Nine main targets which concerned me at first but it worked out well. No sooner had I beaten Assassins Creed did Mass Effect Hit store shelves. I had to buy this game. I have played almost every Bioware game. It is one publisher I knew would deliver. I was engrossed to the point I missed Thanksgiving. Hahaha. Anyway, the only qualms I had was that the uncharted planets didn't offer much in the way of side quests alaKotor. The main story was good, maybe a little short but the voice acting amazing, the characters were so lifelike. This is the first of a planned trilogy. If they decide to toss some planets out in favor of a few more civilized places with more sidequests it will be almost perfect. Although I know that there might be some constraints since I don't know how the lip syncing works and time it might take to accomplish that so I can only hope that the time put into the planets could equal the amount needed for just three or four worlds with maybe five to ten quests each. That would be the end all game for me...At least for now. Hahaha. So, anyway sorry for the delay, I will post the release info for these games above. Enjoy.

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