Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Changes Ahead?

Could there be changes down the road for Microsoft's game console?

Reuters has the sccop on Activision CEO Bobby Kotick saying that prices on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game consoles must fall to $199, which according to Kotick is the key price point for mass adoption.

"The Wii at its price point is now setting a standard and an expectation, and people say, well, the Wii is less complex technically. I don't think that really matters as much to the consumer," Kotick told the Reuters Media Summit. "In the next 24 months they all will need to be at that $199 price point, and you can imagine Nintendo will be down to the $129 price point over the next few years."

Also Halo 3 seems to be causing some problems.

Information Week is reporting about a lawsuit against Microsoft filed by a San Diego resident, who claims that Halo 3 is a faulty product that frequently crashes when played on the Xbox 360.

In court papers filed this week, Randy Nunez charges that Halo 3 "consistently causes the Xbox 360 to crash, freeze, or lock up while the game is being played."

Along with Microsoft, Nunez also is suing Bungie, which developed Halo 3 along with Microsoft and recently spun off from the software maker. The action was filed in U.S. District Court in Southern California.

Nunez is asking the court to give the suit class action status and is seeking unspecified damages.

Many games had received the faulty disc error and this could be related. No word from Microsoft about the issue and the potential amount of copies that could be affected. Nunez could certainly be one of players that got faulty disks.

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