Monday, June 30, 2008

Return Part 2

Well, finally after I had just posted my return on my blog my computer decides to join the junk heap and I had to replace it. But, I'm back now and now I have a spare computer in case of calamity. I know I have been gone a super long time and I apologize. Looking back on my last posts I realize just how much I have to post. I will post mini-reviews of what I have played and enjoyed to keep the space to a minimum.

Grand Theft Auto IV:

Grand Theft Auto IV is the greatest game to come out for the Xbox 360 so far. Hands down the best open world game ever. And with the promised episodic content planned for later this year it can only get better. With the addition of online multiplayer it's even better. But come on its Grand Theft Auto what more do you need?

Battlefield Bad Company:

Built from the ground-up for next-generation consoles using Digital Illusion s’ bleeding-edge Frostbite™ game engine, Battlefield: Bad Company drops gamers behind enemy lines with a squad of renegade soldiers who risk it all on a personal quest for gold and revenge. Featuring a deep, cinematic single-player experience loaded with adventure and dark humor, the game delivers the series’ trademark sandbox gameplay in a universe where nearly everything is destructible.

Alone in the Dark:

Provides a complete next-generation, action-packed experience within a highly detailed, free-roaming environment, featuring a mixture of astonishing real-time physics and full environmental interaction. The game is being developed by Eden Games, a leading first-party studio of Infogrames/Atari and considered amongst the finest in the industry. (Debuted worldwide for the first time at the Microsoft X05 event in Amsterdam. Original PC game released in 1992 is widely considered the first "survival horror" game.)

- I wanted this game to be good so badly. It wasn't the worst game I have played but the camera gives you endless headaches and makes you want to quit. It's a pretty good rental if anything.

Ever since THQ released a title update for Frontlines: Fuel of War that enables all multiplayer maps to support up to 50-player online battles on Xbox Live I have been playing it every now and then as well. It's not the best shooter I have played but it adds some pretty interesting elements to gameplay. Climbing up a one hundred foot crane in a huge city and sniping is quite the memorable experience. Not to mention that it now bosts the highest player count to date for online console game-play.

For Stratagy Fans: Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath

Just released. T
he single player campaign will allow players to experience a new story that spans 20 years – from the rebirth of the Brotherhood of Nod after the Second Tiberium War through the dramatic events of the Third Tiberium War and beyond. The story is told through a new set of high-definition live action video sequences starring a celebrity cast. Joe Kucan, the original actor who portrayed the character Kane in Command & Conquer games over the last decade, will reprise his role as the megalomaniacal leader of the Brotherhood of Nod.

Well, even to this day Call Of Duty 4 is still at the top of the number one played game on Xbox Live. You just can't beat the polish Infinity Ward puts into their games. These are just a fraction of what has come out since my last post. These are the ones that I'm personally playing at the moment. A few of the others such as:

Condemned 2: Bloodshot - Awesome Game. Recommended. Lighting and atmosphere make the tension palpable.
Dark Sector: -Weird Storyline but main weapon is awesome. Finishing moves almost make the game worth buying.
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty: -Wow, just...*ugh* its crap. Alternate ending to WWII and an end to this game. Poor...everything.
Lost Odyssey: -Incredible game. Four discs of turned based combat with an engrossing story. Voice acting is really good and extremely hilarious at times. But the packaging for the game....
Conflict: Denied Ops: -Based for co-op gameplay. Didn't enjoy it that much. Played the demo saw the flaws and decided to pass on it.
Devil May Cry 4: -Devil May Cry action is back in form on the xbox 360. But you don't play as least not at the beginning?
Ninja Gaiden 2: -You must play this game. Incredible selection of weapons you can wield. And seriously, your a friggin Ninja who can sever your opponants in half with the grim reapers blade..
Turok: -Adds interesting elements like dinosaurs to online play but story falls flat. The close quarter knife kills never get old..

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