Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August in Review, and September Preview

Looks like the month of August is going out with a big bang. With all the games that just came out and with Bioshock already released. Demos have been flooding the Marketplace showcasing the games that will be out. I think this is a HUGE step for developers. The Bioshock demo proved this. The demo was downloaded by almost every Xbox owner with a internet connection. The demo itself aside from the graphics left you hanging so much that you wanted to go buy the game to see the rest of the story. The Result? It was sold out at every store I looked at. Thankfully I had a pre-order. Letting people try out the game before they go out and invest in a game for $59.99 or more. I have always thought that a person is more likely to buy your games if they are allowed to try them out first. When your interested in a game you have a number of things you can look at. The pictures, video, people's reviews (contains spoilers sometimes) or reading the back of the case or word of mouth. But, each of those is based on ANOTHER persons take on the game. When they get to actually play it themselves they are free to experiment with it and if they are hooked they will absolutely get a copy when it comes out. More and more we are seeing that this is the case. Look at the Call of Duty 4 beta Or even the Halo 3 Beta. So many people are interested in them. Why? Because people were not only amazed at the gameplay and visuals but people playing the beta are telling there friends how great it is and now THEY are interested and so on and so forth. Call of duty 4 is already looking like it will be sold out the minute it's released, and Halo 3 already set the record for pre-orders and there not even out yet!

Now looking ahead here is a list of some games that are coming to gamers in the month of September. A great time to be a Xbox 360 owner!

Metal Of Honor: Airborne
John Woo's Stranglehold
Fatal Inertia
Eternal Sonata
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions
America's Army: True Soldiers
Halo 3

This is just a small taste of what is coming out in September. Now...just to find the money.

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