Friday, July 4, 2008

Three Games To Notice This Week

It looks like we have three new games coming out this week from three different genres. How exciting! I cant wait to rent them and see which ones I want to buy. The games releasing for this week are:

Unreal Tournament 3
: Another soon to be smash hit for the Xbox 360 by epic games. Releases earlier this year on PS3. Now we finally get to play! With the considerably better Xbox live multiplayer should be awesome. I mean come on, its the studio that brought us Gears Of War. My number one selling point of this game? I know, I know there is no mods on the Xbox 360 version but.. we get two player split-screen
online! Finally, there is so little games out that offer that. I want to be able to play with my buds on the couch playing on xbox live. I don't want to system link thank you very much! Put this one on your list.

Civilization: Revolution: Well the renowned epic single-player campaigns featuring with the incredible re-playability and unmatched addictive gameplay is back but this time on the console! Yes, now you can crush the world under your shiny boot-heel from the comfort of your living room. The "revolutionary" features like real-time interaction with leaders and advisors, the extensive multiplayer capabilities via Xbox live and integrated video and voice chat make this a definite contender.

Beijing Olympics 2008: I'm actually excited for this one to come out. I played the previous Olympic games and after seeing the gameplay videos of the swimming and archery I'm throughly excited. The visuals are incredible. I had to double check to see that it was gameplay footage and not a recorded event. I have high hopes for this one. Not to mention I heard you can compete against people from around the world via Xbox Live! Hello simulated Olympics minus the effort and sweat and tears and...well you know, Couch Olympics anyway.. I have no doubt my thumbs will be contenders for gold.

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