Thursday, August 30, 2007

Review: Two Worlds


RPG Showdown

Winner: Oblivion

Read Why:
Okay I rented Two Worlds for the xbox 360 today. Playing through the first ten minutes or so I was kinda disappointed. For one, the visuals weren't that great at all. Choppy in places and the dialogue from the characters really isn't that good. Now the equipment screens looks familiar *cough* Diablo *cough* with that oh so familiar equipment screen and leveling up with just clicking the icons representing your skills or abilities. Now the water effects and swimming were pretty awsome to look at but it wasn't enough. The character's movements weren't very smooth and the camera can be a pest at times, epically when riding around. The combat is pretty simple, one click of the right trigger lands one strike, two clicks lands you a couple strikes. Finally, three clicks lands you a flurry of hits all with a funny sound and blood splatter icon over the attacker every time. Now its trying to compete with the masterpiece Bethesda made with the Elder Scrolls Oblivion but the fact is that its graphics are no where near Oblivion, the dialogue seriously lacks talent and the story had me wondering what the heck am I suppose to go now? When the map screen is so hard to navigate. You use the keypad to scroll around the map, but the right stick moves a bar that highlights the quests on the panel to the right which is hard enough to see which quest you have highlighted. However once you have found the quest and click it it moves the map to where you need to go. Do you get an arrow or anything? No. You get a colored dot on your map. In this case green. Okay thats fine but I have three green dots on my map now. Which one is the quest marker I'm after? Back to the map screen. Ah ha found it. Back to gameplay. Now all I can do is just to head in its general direction until it pops up in my immediate area. The story itself is also kinda hard to get into. You will come across a character who acts straight out of the Renaissance. "Nay good sir!" Fifty feet away you find a guy who looks like a ninja in armor who tells you to go to the "Goat cave". Right.....that just screams creepy. Who knows what kind of debauchery goes on in there. And I sure as hell don't want to find out. Enough Said.
Combat system is lacking. Bad animation and blood splatter graphics.
Bad Voice-overs and dialogue throughout.
Looks very unpolished and a very good game if it was a very, very early beta of a n64 game.

However if you want an in depth game with amazing visuals and compelling storyline stick with Oblivion. Hundreds of Hours of gameplay and downloadable content. If you really want a new rpg that is on par or above Oblivion wait for Mass Effect. If hacking orcs and killing peasants is your thing, you are gonna have to wait a little longer.

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